Thursday, January 26, 2017

Memphis Accessibility Diary

Nothing About Us Without Us

Allison Donald
By Allison Donald, The Memphis Accessibility Diary for January 2017
The City of Memphis has launched the Memphis 3.0 comprehensive plan, the city’s first comprehensive planning effort since 1981.  Memphis 3.0 will be structured around four pillars: connectivity, livability, sustainability, and opportunity.  The Memphis Center for Independent Living as well the disability community plan on being involved in the development and growth of this city as we move into the third century.

Individuals with disabilities in Memphis lag behind in the areas of transportation, affordable accessible integrated housing, and the lack of employment opportunities.  It is important that we are engaged and active in this process for two reasons. 

First, as a community, we do not want to be the last to find out about certain projects that affect our way of life. Why does the disability community complain about the lack of access? Because before the street, park or business was made inaccessible, the planners left us out and forgot about people with disabilities. NOTHING about us, without us. Second, these committees are often comprised of individuals who do not have a disability and may not understand the importance of curb cuts, automatic doors, audible traffic lights, lowered counters and other accessible features throughout the community.

If you would like to join the conversation and ensure that Memphis is an inclusive and diverse city as possible go to for more information on time, dates, and locations of meetings. 

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