Monday, April 17, 2017

STAC April Report

Allison Donald
By Allison Donald, STAC Chair
The Specialized Transportation Committee (STAC) met April 14, 2017 at the Trolley Barn, 1370 Levee Road. During March’s STAC committee meeting Ms. Houston put in her notes that she would speak with Mr. John Lancaster about the use of MATA traveler for MATAplus riders.  However, during April’s meeting no contact had been made.  STAC will continue to monitor and follow up and ask for a meeting by the next scheduled meeting for the STAC committee.

As a committee, STAC agreed that there needs to be a clear distinction of what curb to curb service means and how that affects the riders traveling experience.   Ms.  Houston did acknowledge the need for better communication for riders and bus drivers and responsibilities as to what they can and can’t do when transporting passengers. Ms. Houston said that she is working on a script that will be added to the telephone prompt that will inform riders of the duties of the driver. 

The last item on the agenda for April’s STAC meeting was the review and revision of the bylaws of the STAC committee.  No major changes were made as to the structure of STAC and its operating procedures.  However, there were some minor changes made to who will be recognized as a member of STAC versus who is recognized as a guest.  There was also some changes suggested for the absentee policy.

MCIL logo, Stylized letters C I L to resemble a wheelchair climbing the letter MEvery issue that was addressed in this report is ongoing and we strive as a STAC committee to work to advise MATA not fix MATA, because only they can do so and that is why we invite ALL MATAplus riders to be a part of the process.  Our next meeting will be May 5, 2017 at 2:00pm at the Trolley Barn.  The address is 1370 Levee Road.  If you would like more information contact Allison Donald at or 901-726-6404

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